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Welcome to LiquicityMs Forums, have an amazing day! And check out our server announcements as soon as possible!


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L> Slogan

    LiquicityMs v83 is open!!


    Posts : 45
    Join date : 2013-12-23
    Swag Swag : Over 9000

    LiquicityMs v83 is open!! Empty LiquicityMs v83 is open!!

    Post by Comrade Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:05 pm

    Hey guys, so our team has been working really hard, and is almost out of beta! But we're opening, and we're finally there guys! For those of you who stuck with our delays, we thank you so much. Please visit our website at . The vote button on the website is still broken, so please use the link in the "vote" thread in Server Notices and Announcements. WE ARE SORRY YOU WON'T GET VOTE POINTS!

    -Liquicity Team

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